
The DAX | Foreign Minister Ertuğruloğlu holds contacts in Shusha

TRNC Minister of Foreign Affairs Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu attended the 27th Meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Council of Ministers held in Shusha, Azerbaijan and delivered a speech. In his speech, he drew attention to the events that TRNC participated in and hosted as an active member of ECO and underlined that there are two separate peoples and two sovereign equal states on the island of Cyprus

Following the meeting, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, H.E. Mr. Jeyhun Bayramov and ECO Secretary General Ambassador Khusrav Noziri held a press conference with the participation of the foreign ministers.

Minister Ertuğruloğlu also met with Foreign Minister of the Republic of Türkiye Hakan Fidan and Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Jalil Abbas Jilani on the sidelines of the meeting.

Interviewing with TRT (Turkish State Television), Minister Ertuğruloğlu gave information about the existing relations and cooperation areas between the TRNC and Azerbaijan.

Ertuğruloğlu, who will return TRNC today after completing his bilateral contacts in Baku, is accompanied by TRNC Baku Representative, Ambassador Ufuk Turganer, Mustafa Kemal Beyazbayram, Director of Relations with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mayda Dorak, Third Secretary.

The next meeting of the ECO Foreign Ministers Council will be held in Iran in 2024.

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